Monday, July 27, 2009

Strike a Pose!

This weekend was a fun one! We spent lots of time with our families. On the 24th of July we went to a family reunion dance for One's Dad's side of the family. The above pictures are of our cute little cousin Baby Nau who loves to pose for the camera. Staci Jo and Marcie came along to the dance. Of course Jo was getting hit on by some boys! (none that we approved of) Marcie was getting paranoid and wanted to leave before Jo got in trouble. Marcie is always so motherly toward her little sissy! Ha ha

The highlight of my weekend was eating deliciously smoked ribs prepared by my brother Scott. I have been craving them all summer and finally got to pig out on them. He makes the best sauce and just smokes those ribs to perfection!

Tuesday, July 21, 2009


This summer heat has done a number on me! My long hair was so heavy and hot- so I found a solution - I chopped about 5 inches off my hair. My hair now feels light and airy. I loved my long locks, but it was getting extremely hard to manage. I found myself pulling it back in a bun or braid almost daily. I am putting up a picture of my new hair- ignore the fact that I don't look very cute or photogenic in this pic.

I am also posting a new pic of my belly- Chelsey this one is for you. The belly is growing like crazy, I have 12 more weeks to go. I am headed to the doctor on Monday and then I start going every two weeks. Boy oh Boy, this baby is going to be here soon!

Monday, July 6, 2009

Baby Furniture

This pregnancy is moving right along. My belly sure is getting large! I was at my cousin Jodi's wedding shower and my Aunt Staci asked if I was carrying twins. She said my belly looks awfully large for only being 25 weeks along. Well, I know there is only one baby in my belly, but I guess he is a big Tongan baby! We are pretty much 99% sure on the name Hendrix. We will give him the middle name Kulitapa, which is One's little brothers name. That means his name will be 25 letters long... Hendrix Kulitapa Taumoepeau. That fits right in with O and I. We are both 25 letters long as well... Siosiua Onehunga Taumoepeau and Jennifer Barbara Taumoepeau.
My parents got us this gorgeous crib and dresser for my graduation gift. We got it put together and it is absolutely lovely. It fits perfect in the nursery. My sister Traci is making us a quilt and bumper to go in the crib- the fabric has space ships on it - so cute!