Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Merry Christmas!

We hope all our family and friends had a very Merry Christmas. I think it was our best Christmas ever:)

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Bath Time

Don't let this face fool you. I am not as sweet as I look. In fact as Debba likes to say, he is a MANIAC!

No, No No - you don't stand up in the bath tub Hendrix! This is his favorite thing to do! Once during this bath time he stood up with two wet wash cloths and whipped them around like a cowboy. Yep, I was soaked.

Ya, I am pretty sure Claire is NEVER going to want to bathe with Hendrix again. As she likes to say "Hennie smack water". He was splashing all around while Claire sat there wondering what was going on!

Ohhh, they sure had fun! I think Hendrix was just so excited to bathe with a friend, he got a little out of control!

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Naughty or Nice?

Christmas time is coming soon. Santa is making a list and checking it twice. Hmmmm, has Hendrix been naughty or nice? Well he is pretty naughty, but it is stinking cute! I have been spending a lot of quality time with my little cousin Baby Nau - she is 4 years old. I keep telling her she has to behave because the elf's are watching her. She looks at me as if I am on crack! Haha, my parents used that on us kids so much when we were little!

We put up our Christmas tree and the bottom half has no ornaments because he kept taking them off! I couldn't handle it and took them off! It still looks okay, right?

Hendrix got an early Christmas Present. This cool little tent and tunnel. It entertains him for hours. He thinks it is hilarious to crawl in there and put his toys in the tent.

Ohhhhh.... And we have been doing a lot of teething. Maybe that is why he is so naughty! Look at all those pearly whites!

This is the bike that Debba and Poppy Val got Hendrix. He thinks it is pretty neat. Can't believe he is almost big enough to actually drive it!

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

1 Year Professional Photo Op

Hendrix got his 1 year pictures done by Amy Beardshall! We also threw in some family photos while we were at it! She does such a fabulous job http://www.beardshallphotography.blogspot.com/.

We got lots of cute ones, but here are my favorites:

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Happy Halloween

Sorry this post is a couple of weeks late.
Hendrix was a Dragon - here are some fun pictures!!!

Thursday, October 21, 2010

1 Year Old!

So our little buddy had a birthday! Can you believe it has already been a year? Well we can't, it has gone by so stinking fast. It has been the best year ever.

Here are his stats from the Dr's Office:
Height: 32 Inches (95th Percentile)
Weight: 23 lbs 4 oz (65th Percentile)
Head: 80th Percentile

He is such a busy little 1 year old. He is walking around like a mad man and is saying a lot of words. Some of the more clear words are: Mommy, Oh yeah, No, Mine, Love You, Hello and Uma (kiss). He loves his cousins, but doesn't like sharing his toys. Sometimes he will give you an Uma if you ask, other times he will hit you right in the face! One word to describe him is FLIRT - he loves cute young girls and will flirt with them in an instance. The Itsy Bitsy Spider is his favorite song and he has learned majority of the actions. He actually loves any song with actions, and picks up on the actions very easily. He is just so much fun to have around!

We have done lots of fun things to celebrate his Birthday.

First off - the week before his birthday we headed to Southern California to visit Jamie, Jared and Piper. From there we went to Fresno to watch his Uncle Tapa play some football!

On his actual birthday, we went to his favorite place for dinner - Chuck-a-Rama! Ha ha, he loves eating loads of Mashed Potatoes and Gravy and all the other goodies!

Then to top it off, we held a Costume Party for all his cute friends and cousins. Everyone had a blast!

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Go Fresno!

This past weekend we made the trek to Logan, Utah to watch Fresno beat the crap out of the Aggies! Okay, so it was a close game through the first half, then the Bulldogs could feel our energy and brought their A Game! One's not so little little brother played amazing! He caught a pass and made some crucial blocks! We were all so proud of him. The whole family came up and we seemed to be 3/4 of the crowd! We were louder than the boring Aggie fans!

We can't get enough of Tapa and the Fresno State Bulldogs, so we are heading to Fresno October 9th for their game against Hawaii!

He is #46. Kind of facing the camera here!

Hendrix was so good most of the game!

Our little family in our Fresno sweaters

Hendrix Hamming it for the camera!

Okay, he was starting to get tired!

Mele, Hendrix, Tapa, Me, One and little Peter!

Monday, August 30, 2010

Say Cheese!!!!

Hendrix is a Ham for the camera!

Monday, August 9, 2010

Bear Lake Baby!

Bear Lake was a BLAST! Thanks Mom and Dad for a wonderful family fun vacation. You guys are the best.

Windy but wonderful

Sand Buddies

I am soooo tall

Claire and Hendrix = Frienemies

I just ate sand

Crazy Sand Monster

Chillin in the Lake

Monday, July 26, 2010

9 Months and Growing Strong

Hendrix is 9 Months Old! Can you believe it? Well this post is a little late so he is practically 9 1/2 months old! He went to the doctor and his stats are as follows:
  • 22 lbs (85th Percentile)
  • 29 Inches Long (85th Percentile)
  • Head Circumference is in the 95th Percentile

His stats have stayed steady in the 85-95 percentiles, big boy. Hendrix is getting smarter and smarter every day. I can't believe how much they learn, change and grow in the first 9 months. He loves to watch his Your Baby Can Read dvd's, read the books and play with the flash cards. He can clap, find his ears and do arms up, all without me telling him the words. Pretty impressive. He crawls like a mad man and is walking with his little push bike. I don't think it will be too long before he walks on his own. He tells everyone "Hiiiiiiii" when he sees them. He loves to give everyone kisses - especially Claire and Piper. He has 6 teeth and loves the fact that he can bite things in half!