Monday, July 26, 2010

9 Months and Growing Strong

Hendrix is 9 Months Old! Can you believe it? Well this post is a little late so he is practically 9 1/2 months old! He went to the doctor and his stats are as follows:
  • 22 lbs (85th Percentile)
  • 29 Inches Long (85th Percentile)
  • Head Circumference is in the 95th Percentile

His stats have stayed steady in the 85-95 percentiles, big boy. Hendrix is getting smarter and smarter every day. I can't believe how much they learn, change and grow in the first 9 months. He loves to watch his Your Baby Can Read dvd's, read the books and play with the flash cards. He can clap, find his ears and do arms up, all without me telling him the words. Pretty impressive. He crawls like a mad man and is walking with his little push bike. I don't think it will be too long before he walks on his own. He tells everyone "Hiiiiiiii" when he sees them. He loves to give everyone kisses - especially Claire and Piper. He has 6 teeth and loves the fact that he can bite things in half!

Saturday, July 10, 2010


Hendrix loves to give "Uma's" aka Kisses! Somehow he has skipped to French Kissing! I don't know who taught him this, but when you ask for an Uma he licks your cheek! What a funny boy. He also loves to kiss his reflection - I got it on video and couldn't resist sharing

Saturday, July 3, 2010

Yummy Layered Enchiladas

Tired of the same old thing for dinner? Try this delicious recipe: Layered Enchiladas!

You will need:
12 corn tortillas
1 Tbs Taco Seasoning
1/4 Tsp Salt
1lb Ground beef or turkey
3/4 Cup water
1 Can (10oz) Red Enchilada Sauce
1/2 Cup chunky salsa
1 Can Black Olives
1 Cup or more shredded cheese
Sour Cream

How it is done:

1. Cook ground beef with taco seasoning and salt.
2. Add enchilada sauce, water and salsa. Simmer for a few minutes.
3. Cut the corn tortillas into 1 inch strips with a pizza cutter.
4. In a microwave safe dish, layer half the corn tortillas. Then scoop half of the meat mixture on top. Add cheese on top of that, then sliced olives and chopped cilantro. Repeat for a second layer.
5. Next microwave for 3-5 minutes. No joke, microwaving works great, I did it and it was delicious. You could also bake it I assume.
6. Enjoy by itself or with some Mexican Rice:)