Thursday, October 21, 2010

1 Year Old!

So our little buddy had a birthday! Can you believe it has already been a year? Well we can't, it has gone by so stinking fast. It has been the best year ever.

Here are his stats from the Dr's Office:
Height: 32 Inches (95th Percentile)
Weight: 23 lbs 4 oz (65th Percentile)
Head: 80th Percentile

He is such a busy little 1 year old. He is walking around like a mad man and is saying a lot of words. Some of the more clear words are: Mommy, Oh yeah, No, Mine, Love You, Hello and Uma (kiss). He loves his cousins, but doesn't like sharing his toys. Sometimes he will give you an Uma if you ask, other times he will hit you right in the face! One word to describe him is FLIRT - he loves cute young girls and will flirt with them in an instance. The Itsy Bitsy Spider is his favorite song and he has learned majority of the actions. He actually loves any song with actions, and picks up on the actions very easily. He is just so much fun to have around!

We have done lots of fun things to celebrate his Birthday.

First off - the week before his birthday we headed to Southern California to visit Jamie, Jared and Piper. From there we went to Fresno to watch his Uncle Tapa play some football!

On his actual birthday, we went to his favorite place for dinner - Chuck-a-Rama! Ha ha, he loves eating loads of Mashed Potatoes and Gravy and all the other goodies!

Then to top it off, we held a Costume Party for all his cute friends and cousins. Everyone had a blast!