Wednesday, March 31, 2010


For all the Mamma's out there, if you have not heard of BabySteals, you must read on! is the best website ever! Every morning at 9AM they post a steal of the day. These are very high end items that are usually discounted 50% or more! Once the item is sold out, you have lost your chance. Most items sell out within a couple of hours. You can sign up for a daily email to notify you of each new steal. Today, I splurged an stole this cute camo diaper bag:

They also have a kidsteals and scrapbooksteals. Happy Steals!

Here are some pictures of Hendrix, couldn't resist!

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Crawling Soon? AHHHH!

Hendrix is getting so smart! He is rolling from his back to his belly like a crazy man!!! He is also pushing up his whole body with his arms while on his tummy! I tried to get good video of this trick.... but was not too successful! I am thinking this little man will be crawling soon! Time to baby proof.

Friday, March 5, 2010

My Little Buddy

Here are some pictures of Hendrix. He is so funny - getting so big and learning new things every day! We started feeding him carrots at dinner time - he LOVES them. 'One thought he wouldn't like them, but this kid will eat anything!