Wednesday, December 16, 2009

2 Months Old!

Hendrix is 2 months old. Where did the time go? I think the first six weeks of being a mom are tiring! Now that he is a little bigger - he sleeps longer at night, he talks to us, he laughs and smiles all the time, he is awake more often in the day, and oh so much more! One and I have had so much fun with him!

Here are his stats:
  • 13 Pounds even - 75th percentile
  • Height (not sure the #) 50th percentile
  • Head (not sure the #) 75th percentile

Here are some fun pictures of him (hopefully everyone enjoys pictures of him as much as we do! Ha ha)... Trust me he was not this happy after getting those dang shots. How cruel!

(giggle giggle giggle)

(he loves bath time!)

(Rest in peace Bob Marley! Ha ha Love the shirt!)

Friday, December 4, 2009

Hendrix Loves to Smile

Hendrix absolutely loves laying on his changing table... He just looks around and smiles!!! What a silly boy!

Monday, November 23, 2009

Mr. Handsome Hendrix

My mom took this absolutely gorgeous picture of Hendrix. I really just can't get enough of it. Follow this link to see all the pictures she took!
Things have been busy! My Grandma turned 88 and we had a party for her. Thanksgiving is coming up soon and my Sissy Boo Jamie will be in town and my BFF Chelsey will also be here! Oh how I love the holidays! I am really sad, this is my last week home and then Hi Ho Hi Ho back to work I go! Luckily I will only work part time hours M-Th and Hendrix will be in good hands with his Grandma Martha!

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Growing Boy!

Things have been a little crazy in the Taumoepeau home! Hendrix is getting bigger and bigger by the day. Not to mention cuter and cuter! We love our little guy. Here is a video of him to make every ones day a little brighter.

So on Thursday 'One and I got the Swine Flu Shot. Then on Friday night I felt really sick - chills, fever, aches, and a nauseated stomach. I thought it was just me having a reaction to the shot. The next morning I went to pump the babies breakfast and hardly any milk! Come to find out I had a really bad breast infection and was at insta care Saturday night! The infection was causing me to be ill - not the shot! Oh the things us women go through! I am now on antibiotics and feeling a million times better.

That is all for now! I will keep taking more video and post soon!

Saturday, November 7, 2009

Almost 1 Month Old!

Hendrix is getting so big! He is such a fun little baby - we are really enjoying him! We got him a chair that bounces and vibrates. The bottom picture is the first time we turned on the vibration, he did not know what to think about it! What a little cutie pie!

Other fun photos....

Saturday, October 31, 2009

Trick or Treat!

Boo! Hendrix is a Skeleton for Halloween. He really isn't skin and bones - the little guy gained 1 lb 3 oz in his first two weeks. The doctor re-weighed him because she was so surprised. Usually babies are back to their birth weight after two weeks. The doctor said my milk must be very rich - that is Hendrix's Halloween treat. As far as 'One and I go - we get lots of tricks! Two poopy diapers already! Gotta love it!Check Spelling

(amount of diapers after week 1)

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Say Cheese!

We are having so so much fun being parents. Our little family is trying to get used to long nights of poopy diapers, feedings and occasional shots of pee all over the place! Little boys are difficult to change - their privates hit cold air and pee shoots out.
Luckily One had a whole week off work after the hospital. I was sad that he had to go back to work, because it is so much fun when the three of us are together. Hendirx is such a good baby. He only cries if he is hungry, needs a diaper change or if we are changing his outfit (he hates being cold!). One has been getting him to grin - I just love this picture of Hendrix. I think we did a good job creating this little guy!

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Hendrix has Arrived!

Hendrix has arrived! He was born 10/14/09 at 8:42 PM! Weighing in at 8 lbs 3 oz and 21.5 inches long. He is awesome! More info to come later!

(Fresh out of the womb)

(Hendrix checking out his Mom!)

(Dad getting Hendrix ready to go home)

(Hendrix all buckled and ready to go home)

(Hendrix resting with Grandma Martha)

(Hendrix waiting for his first Pediatrician Appt)
(Hendrix next to his big cousin Claire)

Friday, October 2, 2009

No Baby Yet!

'One and I are patiently waiting for our bundle of joy to arrive. Waiting, waiting, waiting! In the mean time, we have gotten the car seat (still need to try installing it), picked out his coming home outfit, and packed our bags! We still need to do a grocery store run, costco run and get the house spic and span!

Here is the cute little outfit we got to bring Hendrix home in and the car seat we got!
It will be interesting to see if anyone guesses the birth date right... I am thinking the 12th sounds pretty accurate???
Mom - 10/3
'One - 10/8
Rachel - 10/9
Terry - 10/10
James Clark - 10/12
Jamie - 10/12
Traci - 10/13
Brittany - 10/14
Marcie - 10/15

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Happy Birthday Traci, Scotty and James!!!!

We have a lot of Birthdays in September. My sissy boo Traci's birthday is today, my big bro Scotty's is the 21st and Traci's hubby James' birthday is on the 22nd! WOW!

Here is a picture of Traci and her hubby James. Traci is a great big sister, I love that I get to talk to her almost every day. She gives me great advice about life, pregnancy, motherhood and everything imaginable. The thing I love most about Traci is she loves everyone, she does not judge and she will do anything for anyone. She is selfless and a great mother and wife! Happy Birthday Traci!!!
James is a great brother-in-law. He is one of the smartest people I know - he constantly helps everyone in the family with their math homework. I don't know what we did without James in the family! He also loves Wes and Claire unconditionally and is a great Father. Happy Birthday James!

Here is a picture of my Brother and I. Scotty Two Hotty! Need I say more? Scott is a great guy - I like to tease him that he stole all of the musical talent in the family. He is the most amazing drummer in the world. He also has a talent for making friends with everyone. He has more friends than anyone I know and I admire him for that. Scott is always up for a good time. I hope he has a fabulous birthday!

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Growing Belly!

Wow! Only 4 weeks left in this pregnancy. I sure hope it goes by fast - I can't wait to meet Mr. Hendrix. Things have been moving along just fine, I feel so fortunate to have had an uncomplicated and healthy pregnancy. Sleeping at night has been a struggle. When I wake up to go pee (because his head is directly on my bladder) I then can't fall back asleep. I guess I am getting prepared for all of the long nights when he is born. I go to the doctor this coming Tuesday, then start my weekly appointments until he arrives! 'One has predicted that he will arrive on October 8th. I think that is a little too early and predict the 12th or 13th of October.

We should start a contest - post a comment on how much you think he will weigh and when he will arrive and the winner can come over and change all the poopy diapers! Ha ha I will reward the winner with something much better than that!

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Go Bulldogs!

Mele, Tapa and Me

Al and Tapa (don't they look alike?)

Me and 'One (he can never be serious)

Over the weekend - we took a road trip! Yes, 7.5 months prego, we hit the road to Fresno, CA. Me, One, One's parents and his sister Mele headed West. The occasion? To watch One's little brother Tapa play football for Fresno State Bulldogs against UC Davis.

The drive was challenging, but we survived. We left Friday night and spent the night in Viva Las Vegas. We didn't get there until midnight so we missed all of the buffets - Dang It! One lost 20 bucks in Vegas, and I did not gamble. We got some rest and headed for Fresno on Saturday morning.

We arrived in Fresno around 4 PM, checked into our hotel and got ready for the game. The game was so so fun. We were on the 9th row, around the 30 yard line. Poor Tapa didn't get to play becasue he had Tonsilitis the week prior and missed a couple of practices. BUMMER! Oh well, Fresno kicked butt and the game was still a blast. You can see Tapa in the distance in the picture... #46. He will normally be in the rotation for Tight End and Full Back, plus play special teams.

The following Fresno games will be on TV and you can watch for him and cheer him on!...
September Wisconsin...9 a.m....ESPN or ESPN2
September 18...Boise State...6 p.m....ESPN
September Cincinnati...9 a.m....ESPN Regional/BSN
December 5... at Illinois...9:30 a.m....Big Ten Network

Me and Mele

We decided to head home Sunday afternoon - in order to beat Labor Day traffic. The drive home didn't seem as bad. We drove mostly at night, so there was no traffic. We stopped in Mesquite to rest and eat. I lost 20 bucks gambling, so One and I are even. We finally made it home to Utah early Monday morning. We slept pretty much the whole entire day!

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Big Baby!

I have been measuring a few weeks ahead of schedule at my doctor visits, so my doc decided to schedule me another ultrasound. We went in yesterday and found out that Baby Hendrix is big, but not too big. He currently weighs 5 lbs, and is in about the 60th percentile for his weight. So 60% of babies are smaller, 40% are bigger. I would say we are in pretty good shape- I will probably hatch an 8 or 8.5 lb baby!

It was so fun to see him in my belly- he was so much more crammed in their this time around. He looked so happy, he was punching his arms around like crazy. We are so so happy that he is such a healthy little baby! Only 50 days to go! I can't wait to meet him. They gave me a picture of his profile... I can already tell how handsome he is... Ha ha.

Thursday, August 13, 2009


Need I say anything? This is our little cousin - he makes me smile!

Friday, August 7, 2009

Happy Birthday Jamma Boo

Happy Birthday to the greatest sister on the planet! Jamie is the best, I have always admired her hard work, courage, beautiful looks, perfect style, brain, hilarious sense of humor and for setting such a good example. I created one of these poems for Jamie (I can't remember what the type of poem is called)...

Mighty strong
Always loving

Open minded
Oh so fast

Happy Birthday Jamma- I love you!

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Mullet Boy

What a fun weekend. When Wes was over at my Mom's house on Sunday we convinced him that he needed a Fo-Hawk. He was reluctant to get his long hair cut, but Marcie and I convinced him that he would be the hottest kid in Springville. He finally agreed to let One cut his hair... When we were walking over to Grandma Fae's to get the clippers, I told Wes he had nothing to worry about. I told him One will make him look like a pimp no matter what- He said, "Ya that is true". I was crackin up. I don't have a final photo of the hair cut, but do have a picture of the Mullet that was cut in between.

No weekend is complete without seeing my cutie pie niece Claire. She is getting so chunky- I absolutely adore her. Here she is playing with One and I.

Special thanks to my sissy poo Marcie. She was so nice to come with me to the Doctor all morning yesterday. I had to get tested for Gestational Diabetes. It was a three hour long test, where they had to draw my blodd each hour. She sat there with me and kept me company- how sweet is she!!! Luckily my test results came back normal, no Gestational Diabetes for me! Thank Heavens!

Monday, July 27, 2009

Strike a Pose!

This weekend was a fun one! We spent lots of time with our families. On the 24th of July we went to a family reunion dance for One's Dad's side of the family. The above pictures are of our cute little cousin Baby Nau who loves to pose for the camera. Staci Jo and Marcie came along to the dance. Of course Jo was getting hit on by some boys! (none that we approved of) Marcie was getting paranoid and wanted to leave before Jo got in trouble. Marcie is always so motherly toward her little sissy! Ha ha

The highlight of my weekend was eating deliciously smoked ribs prepared by my brother Scott. I have been craving them all summer and finally got to pig out on them. He makes the best sauce and just smokes those ribs to perfection!

Tuesday, July 21, 2009


This summer heat has done a number on me! My long hair was so heavy and hot- so I found a solution - I chopped about 5 inches off my hair. My hair now feels light and airy. I loved my long locks, but it was getting extremely hard to manage. I found myself pulling it back in a bun or braid almost daily. I am putting up a picture of my new hair- ignore the fact that I don't look very cute or photogenic in this pic.

I am also posting a new pic of my belly- Chelsey this one is for you. The belly is growing like crazy, I have 12 more weeks to go. I am headed to the doctor on Monday and then I start going every two weeks. Boy oh Boy, this baby is going to be here soon!

Monday, July 6, 2009

Baby Furniture

This pregnancy is moving right along. My belly sure is getting large! I was at my cousin Jodi's wedding shower and my Aunt Staci asked if I was carrying twins. She said my belly looks awfully large for only being 25 weeks along. Well, I know there is only one baby in my belly, but I guess he is a big Tongan baby! We are pretty much 99% sure on the name Hendrix. We will give him the middle name Kulitapa, which is One's little brothers name. That means his name will be 25 letters long... Hendrix Kulitapa Taumoepeau. That fits right in with O and I. We are both 25 letters long as well... Siosiua Onehunga Taumoepeau and Jennifer Barbara Taumoepeau.
My parents got us this gorgeous crib and dresser for my graduation gift. We got it put together and it is absolutely lovely. It fits perfect in the nursery. My sister Traci is making us a quilt and bumper to go in the crib- the fabric has space ships on it - so cute!

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Yummy Dinner Idea...

This is a great dinner idea from courtesy Giada De Laurentiis. I personally tried the recipe and it was delicious.


  • 1 cup pastina pasta (or any small pasta)
  • 2 tablespoons olive oil
  • 1/2 cup cubed chicken breast (1-inch cubes)
  • 1/2 cup diced onion (about 1/2 a small onion)
  • 1 clove garlic, minced
  • 1 (14.5-ounce) can diced tomatoes with juice
  • 1 cup shredded mozzarella
  • 1/4 cup chopped fresh flat-leaf parsley
  • 1/4 teaspoon kosher salt
  • 1/4 teaspoon freshly ground black pepper
  • 1/4 cup bread crumbs
  • 1/4 cup grated Parmesan
  • 1 tablespoon butter, plus more for buttering the baking dish


Preheat the oven to 400 degrees F.

Bring a medium pot of salted water to a boil over high heat. Add the pasta and cook until just tender, stirring occasionally, about 5 minutes. Drain pasta into a large mixing bowl.

Meanwhile, put the olive oil in a medium saute pan over medium heat. Add the chicken and cook for 3 minutes. Add the onions and garlic, stirring to combine, and cook until the onions are soft and the chicken is cooked through, about 5 minutes more. Put the chicken mixture into the bowl with the cooked pasta. Add the canned tomatoes, mozzarella cheese, parsley, salt, and pepper. Stir to combine. Place the mixture in a buttered 8 by 8 by 2-inch baking dish. In a small bowl mix together the bread crumbs and the Parmesan cheese. Sprinkle over the top of the pasta mixture. Dot the top with small bits of butter. Bake until the top is golden brown, about 30 minutes.

Monday, June 8, 2009

My Bump, My Lovely Baby Bump!

So, I can't believe my baby bump went from this:

To this:

Anyways, a little bit of a weekend recap. My little sissy boo Staci Jo graduated from high school and with her Associates degree all in one! Double Whammy for Staci Jo. I am so proud of her, she is such a smart, beautiful and crazy little fireball! My mom threw us a graduation party at the park on Saturday! It was so so so so much fun! Thanks Mom for all your planning and thoughtfulness. (sorry no pics of the party!)

Then on Sunday my little niece Claire Bear was blessed. Look how beautiful she looks in this hand crocheted dress. My Grandma-in-Law Mele crocheted it for Claire, it is truly one of a kind.