Thursday, April 26, 2012

Kids Say the Darnedest Things

Here are some of my favorite Hendrix lines - I don't ever want to forget the funny things he says!

  • Aunt Mele was teasing him and he was being grumpy. He told Mele "I am in a bad Mood!"
  • He told Grandma Martha, "I am tired and need some energy."
  • While Potty Training he attempting to poop in the potty and was frustrated. He told me "I Suck at this"
  • While throwing a fit in his car seat he told me "My life is so hard"
  • He loves to check himself out in the mirror and said to me "Look at that handsome boy"
I wish I could capture his sweet little voice and save it in a bottle. He is growing up way too fast!

Monday, March 19, 2012

Update... Finally

Holy cow, it has been a while since I have done a blog post. I feel like this is the best way to keep tabs on what is going on. I guess it is a good life history whether people are reading it or not! I promise to be better about blogging.

Well my little buddy is 2.5 years old! He is getting so big and talking so much. Here are some fun things about him:

1. He loves to ask people "What is your name?" When people ask him back he typically responds "Flynn Rider from Tangled" once in a while he will tell you he is Hendrix.
2. The kid is obsessed with Zombies and I give thanks to his Father for that one!
3. Every Saturday morning he asks for Chocolate Strawberries for breakfast!
4. He loves wearing mine, 'One's, or whoever's boots he can get his hands on.
5. We started him in toddler gymnastics and he loves it!
6. He hates nursery at church :(
7. He loves to tease all of his aunties. He told Jo the other day that he doesn't like her. I think that just means he likes her best of all.
8. His two favorite songs are Headlines by Drake and Thinking About You by Franc Ocean. This kid loves R&B like his Father!
9. Swinging - by far his favorite thing this year. Never mind the bikes or toys, all he wants to do is swing.
10. We brought him to the Taylorsville track with his bike the other day. He wanted nothing to do with his bike and insisted on racing us the whole time. I think we have got a track star on our hands!

Here are some fun pictures:

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Terrific Twos!

I decided to put an optimistic twist on my sweet little two year old... He is not terrible he is actually TERRIFIC! I can't believe my little buddy is two.

Here are some fun things about Hennie:

He loves to jump on the tramp and do flips
This kid is talking up a storm
He will pee in the potty quite often but not regularly
He loves to talk to strangers, he has never got the "stranger danger" concept
His new favorite song is Aunt Jamies Boogie Man Song
He loves doing FaceTime with Jamie & Piper And Lita & Tapa he gets so freaking excited!
He enjoys getting scared

All in all he is just the light of mine and many others life! Happy Birthday!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

Tuesday, August 23, 2011


Hendrix got a haircut this past weekend (from the best barber in the world, his Father)! If you or anyone you know is in need of a good cut call me, One will be licensed next month!

Before the haircut:

After the haircut:

Nothing like a fresh haircut, though I think it made him naughtier!