Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Say Cheese!

We are having so so much fun being parents. Our little family is trying to get used to long nights of poopy diapers, feedings and occasional shots of pee all over the place! Little boys are difficult to change - their privates hit cold air and pee shoots out.
Luckily One had a whole week off work after the hospital. I was sad that he had to go back to work, because it is so much fun when the three of us are together. Hendirx is such a good baby. He only cries if he is hungry, needs a diaper change or if we are changing his outfit (he hates being cold!). One has been getting him to grin - I just love this picture of Hendrix. I think we did a good job creating this little guy!


Traci said...

That is a great picture Jen, you guys did a wonderful job!

Vinson & Marti said...

He is so cute!!

Jamie said...

Oh my gosh. This picture just made my whole day. I can't believe he is already grinning like that. You guys really hit the jackpot with this little guy. I miss you all already. waa waa.

Anonymous said...

Well I would say so! He is very handsome!! Congrats again! : ) Too cute.. and I really dont miss the days of shooting pee at me! LOL

Terry said...

Yes, you did! :)

Holly said...

Absolutely adorable. Way to go! Good luck with those diaper changes! :)