Saturday, October 31, 2009

Trick or Treat!

Boo! Hendrix is a Skeleton for Halloween. He really isn't skin and bones - the little guy gained 1 lb 3 oz in his first two weeks. The doctor re-weighed him because she was so surprised. Usually babies are back to their birth weight after two weeks. The doctor said my milk must be very rich - that is Hendrix's Halloween treat. As far as 'One and I go - we get lots of tricks! Two poopy diapers already! Gotta love it!Check Spelling

(amount of diapers after week 1)


Vinson & Marti said...

He is so dang cute! I am really not looking forward to diapers..

Traci said...

James thinks it is gross that you keep the diapers around for a whole week!
Good thing Hendrix is so damn cute

Jamie said...

Ohhhh. What a cute little skeleton. Hendrix is one handsome little guy. I can't wait to snuggle him again in a few months.

Terry said...

He is adorable! Cute costume!