Monday, January 4, 2010

Happy New Year

Wow! What a year 2009 was! So many good things happened: I got prego, graduated college and then we welcomed Hendrix! I can't believe it was about a year ago that I got pregnant. Time goes by far too fast.

We had a really good Christmas and New Years. We were busy going to all sorts of family parties! Hendrix was quite cranky on New Years Eve and I ended up going to bed around 10 PM! Wow! How boring! 'One did come give me a midnight kiss regardless of my sleepiness! Well here are some fun pictures of the little buddy. I can't get enough of him! He is so cute and so much fun!!!

He LOVES the tub!

Doesn't he look so mischievous here?

Little Chubber!


Jamie said...

he gets cuter and cuter by the second. such an adorable little smile. i miss you guys so much. i can't wait for you all to come out for a visit.

Traci said...

Jenny he is so stinkin cute. I just can't even believe how cute he is???

Terry said...

He is adorable, that's all there is to it!