Friday, January 16, 2009

Debock Rocks

Today is my Mamma's Birthday! One year older and wiser too!!! There are so many great things about my Mother:

1. She is a walking encyclopedia. Anything I need to know, I can call her.
2. She is the best cook in the world. (especially her pesto and roast beef dinner)
3. She always puts others first.
4. She birthed all of my wonderful brothers and sisters.
5. She is a computer wiz.
6. She is always doing service for others out of the kindness of her heart.
7. She is a great example to those around her.
8. She is an awesome bowler on the Wii (and in real life).

I hope you have a good birthday Mom! Love ya.

1 comment:

Jamie said...

I love your post title. It's just great. You make me laugh! Love ya Jenny Boo.