Monday, January 5, 2009

Copy Cat

My wonderful big sissy boo Jamie was in town from Washington DC for the Christmas Holiday. I always love it when she comes to visit. I have always looked up to all of my sisters while growing up; however, for some reason I really wanted to be just like Jamie. When I was in Jr. High School all of her friends would call me her little clone- wow did that make me feel good. I was always copying Jamie. Every outfit she would purchase, I would have my mom purchase me the same one. When I saw Jamie was wearing a particular outfit to school, I would then put on the same outfit. It would make Jamie furious. She hated me copying her. I was also very envious of her achievements. She was a great track star. When we were on the West Side Fliers it seemed she would always win Athlete of the Year. One year I tried my hardest all year to be the recipient of the coveted award. When the award was about to be announced I had the most nervous feeling in my stomach. The winner was.... Jamie! I admit, I was extremely jealous. About ten years later I told her this story and she said that I could have her award! How great is she. Now that we are both grown adults, I still find myself copying her. What can I say, I am just a copy cat.

1 comment:

Jamie said...

Oh Jenny Boo, that is the sweetest post ever. I really wish you would have won athelete of the year. You deserved it, without a doubt. And I think I secretly liked it when you copied my outfits when we were little. I had so much fun with you over Christmas. I miss you already.