Thursday, January 6, 2011

Happy 2011 - Bye Bye to 2010

We can't believe 2010 is over! I have a feeling 2011 is going to be a really really great year!

I was looking through pictures of Hendrix and couldn't help but share some of my favorites from 2010!

Hendrix sporting the pink bumbo (4 months old)

Hendrix's tight peace pajamas (5 months old)

Easter Photo Opp (5 Months Old)

My 1st Mother's Day (6 months old)

Learning how to feed himself peas! (8 Months Old)

Trip to Newport Beach (11 months old)

1st Football Game (11 months old)

Tongan Outfit (1 year Old)

Hendrix's 1st Birthday at Chuck-a-Rama (1 year old)

Hendrix the Dragon at Gma Faes (1 year old)

Hendrix's 2nd Christmas


Jamie said...

Hen is so so cute! I think he was bigger at five months than piper is now! Happy 2011. It is gonna be a good year!

Traci said...

Hen totally looks like a frog in the pic of him in his jammies!!! What a crack up!