So little Claire let Mr. Hendrix borrow her Bumbo. Ya, we know it is pink - but real men wear pink! He really enjoys sitting up and being more independent in the Bumbo. It is quite a great little invention.
We have been keeping busy around here. Hendrix is growing so much. He will soon be 4 months old. We believe he weighs about 15 0r 16 lbs. I weighed him with me and that is our approximate calculation. We started feeding him rice cereal at night, because it is the only way to keep his belly full! He has now figured out how to put all his toys in his mouth. He plays with his binky more that he sucks on the dang thing. He likes to take it out and try to figure out how to put it back in. He is also slobbering like crazy - maybe teeth are soon to come!?! The poor little buddy is constantly scratching his cute little face with those hard to cut finger nails! Dang it. We are just having so much fun with him!
So if you can't get enough of him, I have uploaded a bunch of pics to Picasa!