Hendrix is 2 months old. Where did the time go? I think the first six weeks of being a mom are tiring! Now that he is a little bigger - he sleeps longer at night, he talks to us, he laughs and smiles all the time, he is awake more often in the day, and oh so much more! One and I have had so much fun with him!
Here are his stats:
- 13 Pounds even - 75th percentile
- Height (not sure the #) 50th percentile
- Head (not sure the #) 75th percentile
Here are some fun pictures of him (hopefully everyone enjoys pictures of him as much as we do! Ha ha)... Trust me he was not this happy after getting those dang shots. How cruel!
(giggle giggle giggle)
(he loves bath time!)
(Rest in peace Bob Marley! Ha ha Love the shirt!)