Sunday, September 20, 2009

Happy Birthday Traci, Scotty and James!!!!

We have a lot of Birthdays in September. My sissy boo Traci's birthday is today, my big bro Scotty's is the 21st and Traci's hubby James' birthday is on the 22nd! WOW!

Here is a picture of Traci and her hubby James. Traci is a great big sister, I love that I get to talk to her almost every day. She gives me great advice about life, pregnancy, motherhood and everything imaginable. The thing I love most about Traci is she loves everyone, she does not judge and she will do anything for anyone. She is selfless and a great mother and wife! Happy Birthday Traci!!!
James is a great brother-in-law. He is one of the smartest people I know - he constantly helps everyone in the family with their math homework. I don't know what we did without James in the family! He also loves Wes and Claire unconditionally and is a great Father. Happy Birthday James!

Here is a picture of my Brother and I. Scotty Two Hotty! Need I say more? Scott is a great guy - I like to tease him that he stole all of the musical talent in the family. He is the most amazing drummer in the world. He also has a talent for making friends with everyone. He has more friends than anyone I know and I admire him for that. Scott is always up for a good time. I hope he has a fabulous birthday!


Traci said...

Thanks Jen Jen! Love ya lots and cant wait to talk to you tomorrow!

Jamie said...

good blog. happy birthday traci, james and scott!

Terry said...

Happy Birthday one and all! :)

Debbie said...

Nice post