Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Go Bulldogs!

Mele, Tapa and Me

Al and Tapa (don't they look alike?)

Me and 'One (he can never be serious)

Over the weekend - we took a road trip! Yes, 7.5 months prego, we hit the road to Fresno, CA. Me, One, One's parents and his sister Mele headed West. The occasion? To watch One's little brother Tapa play football for Fresno State Bulldogs against UC Davis.

The drive was challenging, but we survived. We left Friday night and spent the night in Viva Las Vegas. We didn't get there until midnight so we missed all of the buffets - Dang It! One lost 20 bucks in Vegas, and I did not gamble. We got some rest and headed for Fresno on Saturday morning.

We arrived in Fresno around 4 PM, checked into our hotel and got ready for the game. The game was so so fun. We were on the 9th row, around the 30 yard line. Poor Tapa didn't get to play becasue he had Tonsilitis the week prior and missed a couple of practices. BUMMER! Oh well, Fresno kicked butt and the game was still a blast. You can see Tapa in the distance in the picture... #46. He will normally be in the rotation for Tight End and Full Back, plus play special teams.

The following Fresno games will be on TV and you can watch for him and cheer him on!...
September 12...at Wisconsin...9 a.m....ESPN or ESPN2
September 18...Boise State...6 p.m....ESPN
September 26...at Cincinnati...9 a.m....ESPN Regional/BSN
December 5... at Illinois...9:30 a.m....Big Ten Network

Me and Mele

We decided to head home Sunday afternoon - in order to beat Labor Day traffic. The drive home didn't seem as bad. We drove mostly at night, so there was no traffic. We stopped in Mesquite to rest and eat. I lost 20 bucks gambling, so One and I are even. We finally made it home to Utah early Monday morning. We slept pretty much the whole entire day!


Jamie said...

Cool pictures. Tapa looks so different from the last time I saw him! He looks just like Al! I am glad you got to have a little getaway before the babe comes.

Debbie said...

Tell Mele her hair looks really cute. I'm glad you had a good time.

Traci said...

The first picture of Tapa I thought man he sure looks like Al!! I am glad you had fun you crazy devil driving so far 7.5 months prego! Love ya

Marcie said...

cute picture!!

Vinson & Marti said...

Wow! good for you! There is no way I would attempt a drive that long at 7 and a half months. even right now I dont think I would be willing to go further than Vegas. And even If I was willing to there is no way Vince would want to be in a car with me for that long right now :)

Vinson & Marti said...

My current job won't let me work from home unfortunately. I am in the process of going through training to sell Lia Sophia Jewelry, but I dont know if that will work the way I want it to. I would definitely be interested in the secret shopper stuff though! vinsonandmarti@gmail.com

Thank you!