Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Easter Pictures!

I am finally getting around to posting some fun Easter Pics! Too bad it is pouring rain today- Spring in Utah is such a tease! Enjoy these photos!

Olivia Hunting for Easter Eggs

Wes with all his treats!

'One Skateboarding and drinking a Sprite!

My 1st Trimester Baby Bump!

Diva Marcie and her man Eric!

Two Biggest Diva's on the Planet- Marcie and Jo

Me and my Sexy Husband


Traci said...

Where is the picture of me and Marcie???????

Jamie said...

I love your little baby bump. You look so hot. I can't wait to see you very very soon.

Terry said...

That is the cutest little baby bump I have ever seen :)

flamingogirl said...

Love the pics! Especially the baby bump!