Friday, March 20, 2009

Spring Is Here!

I woke up to a crazy 1st day of Spring. Nothing seemed to be going right- I slept in a little too long, then realized I needed to wash my hair(which takes forever to do my hair), then when I finally got out the door... I realized I needed to stop and get gas. I ended up being quite a bit late to work, but whatever! It's Friday and the First 1st Day of Spring! Woo Hoo. The weather in Utah is totally teasing us though. It is supposed to be real nice tell Monday, and then it is only supposed to be like 45 degrees.

Today while I am working I will be daydreaming of being in the great outdoors. Like in the picture below of Fish Lake. I have never been to Fish Lake, but 'One says it is beautiful. And I believe him. Hopefully we can all have a great weekend!

1 comment:

Jamie said...

You should totally go to fish lake one weekend! Where is it? I think your day is going to be great, now that you've got it going!
Happy Spring!