Thursday, March 12, 2009

Baby Hungry!!!

So I saw this picture on Traci's Picasa account and totally stole it. I thought One looked so cute holding Traci and James' new baby Claire. I think everyone is now baby hungry because of Claire.

Good News! One and I are curing our Baby Hungriness in approximately 30 weeks! Yep, that is correct, we are expecting a little baby in October. I went to the doctor earlier this week and everything is looking perfectly healthy. They made me pee, drew blood and even did an ultrasound. The little babies heart was a beatin' away. One thinks it is going to be a BOY- what do you guys think?


Brittany said...

JENNY!! congratulations!! holy cow. i wish rachel and colby would have a baby already. i have to live vicariously through you hackers...

flamingogirl said...

Woo Hoo Congrats to both of you!No vibes on what sex it is yet.......

Terry said...

I think One' looks adorable holding that baby! I am so excited for you guys!! Awesome!

Unknown said...

Jenny! Congrats! I bet you guys will have to cutest baby. Keep us posted!

Jamie said...

Boo ya! Another prego Hacker girl. I think it will be a tough little boy!

Debbie said...

My vibes say BOY

Rachel said...

Girl! Girl!

Traci said...

I have to say girl too! We are so excited for Claire to have a little cousin to play with!