Monday, February 2, 2009

Diva Mele

There are lots of divas in my life. February 3rd is a day to honor my diva sister-in-law Mele. She turns 21 and will soon be partying her little heart out. Mele and I go way back. When I was in the 8th grade, she was in 7th, 'One in 9th. She threw a birthday party and invited me. Of course I went to the party- and I remember asking her where 'One's room was (I always had a crush on 'One). One of the girls at the party went in his room with me and we snuggled with his pillow and snooped around. She makes fun of me for it to this day. Mele is full of laughs. She always comes up with quarky little sayings and nick names. She coined the term "sissy boo"! Happy Birthday Sissy Boo! Love ya.


Traci said...

Happy Birthday Mele. Jenny you have always been a little snoop!!!

Jamie said...

I love that she has a pink game controller in the last picture. So DIVA! Happy birthday Mele.